Saturday, February 7, 2009

Uncle Van

Hi Everybody! Until I figure out how to add other blogs (so if somebody could figure it out, that would be great!) LeAnn has posted information about Uncle Van on her blog. Her blog address is He isn't doing so great and we all know what they are going through right now since we have done the same with our mom and dad. It's hard to watch our parents get older and need help from us kids when they have been so independent all of their lives. But yet it is so hard to watch them suffer and in pain and especially loneliness. It's tough.


  1. Thanks for the update on Uncle Van. It is a hard thing to go through. Keep us posted.

    How is Uncle Mike doing?

  2. Uncle Mike is still having dizzy spells. He goes back to the Dr. on the 10th. He wants to keep driving the truck for Gordon.
