Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all our family!  Hope you all had a great day and I hope
Santa found everyone! 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas from the South

Here is wishing all our family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year and hope everyone in Utah is warm because we have to turn on the air conditioner tonight in order to light our fireplace. We truly miss everyone and hope to head west in the near future when Walker Daycare is no longer needed. God Bless Us All. Suzy and Zeke

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jessica's Birthday

On Jessica's birthday, Lacee, Kaden, Selena and I went up to Orem to spend the afternoon with Jessica.  She took a half a day off and we all went shopping!   We had a really good time.

For dinner, we took her to Texas Roadhouse and we embarrassed her by letting the waiter know that it was her birthday and so they made her sit on the saddle and wish her a happy birthday!  It was really funny. She said paybacks are going to be coming! :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Has she been naughty or nice?

The Graymont Company Christmas party was last Friday and we had a great dinner and the kids all got to play on some bouncy toys and had a ball.  The highlight of the night for Lacee was when Santa came! 

Pampered for a Day!

On Saturday, December 3rd, Lacee and I went up to Taylor Andrews to have Jessica give us pedicures and scalp treatments.  It was Lacee's first time for a pedicure and she loved it!  We've created a monster!  If anyone is in the Orem area and wants their hair cut or colored or if you want a pedicure, just text me or Jessica and we will get you an appointment!  She is out on the floor now and she has been pretty busy!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December Birthdays!

Happy Birthday this month to Kathy, Jessica and Gary!

Happy Birthday to YOU!