Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Updates from the White house!

The school year is off to a great start. Durham is in 3rd grade, Luke is in 1st and Hudson goes to a Mother's Day Out 3 days a week. He is loving preschool!
Luke is playing t-ball for the Sidewinders (they are using minor league teams this year). He's playing great and still loves it. Durham's soccer season starts this weekend. So far they've only held practice-Durham is one of the fastest on his team-he's like a rocket!
Cub scouts has started up again for the year. We are very involved in scouting. Durham is a Bear cub, Luke is a Tiger cub, Hud provides the comic relief at the meetings, Kevin is the Tiger Den Leader and I am the Pack Treasurer. Whew! We keep really busy, but life is very fun at this stage!

Friday, September 25, 2009

To Manti For Football

Happiness was short lived as the Delta Freshman got beat by Manti last night :( Hopefully they can get it together soon and have a reason to celebrate! You can tell that fall is in the air because we all had to have jackets on when the sun went down last night. The cold is coming....

Friday, September 18, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

We Won!

Happy Day at our house!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mike and I took tuesday off work to celebrate our anniversay, so we decided to go mountain biking... and it kicked my butt!!! literally! I have scratches, scrapes and bruises! My legs are dotted with bruises. It was a little more difficult than I thought it would be. Oh well, it was fun anyway. Next time we'll probably go on an easier trail!

Brendan had his first soccer game last saturday. He had so much fun. He even scored a goal and had the biggest grin on his face. He really loves his preschool class and was so excited to go on a school bus to a field trip this week.

Jalen is busy with football. They have only won one game but they are improving. He had 3 or 4 completed passes this last week.
McKenna is busy with soccer and school and hanging out with friends, and whatever else 14 year olds do!

Someday I'll learn how to post pictures :)

Go Florida State this weekend!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

A summary of the last few weeks....

Park City game
On Thursday, September 3rd, we travelled to Park City to watch Kaden play football. The highlight of the game was that they scored their first points! Fourteen of them! They ended up getting beat 35 to 14. My friend, Amy, from high school lives in Park City now and so I called her and she came to the game and we had a great visit. She is just a talkative and funny as ever! Also Bobi, Jalen and Brendan came over from Ogden to watch the game. They missed McKenna's soccer game to come see us, so a big THANKS for driving over!

South Summit Game, Kaden #57

The next Thursday was a home game for us against South Summit. The boys started out really good and scored 7 points in the first 5 minutes, but it didn't go so great from then on because of some turnovers and they ended up beating us 38 to 14. This Thursday is another home game against Moapa Valley from Nevada. Kaden was pretty down about not having won a game yet after the last game, so I gave him a little motivational talk. I told him that when I was a freshman playing volleyball, we didn't win 1 jv game that whole season. Not one. But the next year, we came back and we won a few and lost a few, and by the time I was a senior playing varsity, we were unstoppable and ended up taking state. So I hope that lifted his spirits a little and I hope we don't have to wait that long for a win!
Lacee has decided that she only wants to go to half a day 1st grade next year. I asked her why only half a day and she said because she just wants to go to school in the mornings and then play with her friends in the afternoon. I think she is going to have a big wake up call next year! She is doing really good in Kindergarten and has lots of friends to play with. She has already informed me of who is coming to her birthday party in February, but I'm still reeling from the last birthday party so we will see if she even gets one! She is taking dance and tumbling this year and dances and tumbles her way every she goes. I wish I had her energy.
Jessica is doing good. She likes her job at Hogi Yogi and really likes getting a paycheck! We went and opened up her own checking account for her and she was excited to pick out her own style of checks. Now, hopefully, she is responsible about it!
We went camping over Labor Day weekend up to the Pace Ranch with Mike and Bobi. We had alot of fun, except when Brendan and Lacee got in a little accident on the four-wheeler. Luckily they had helmets on, but it didn't stop Brendan from getting a head injury right in the middle of his head. We are still trying to figure out how that happened when he had his helmet on! But after Bobi got the blood cleaned off him, he was out running around again. Thank goodness they were both okay and no serious injury happened.
Anyway, that's about all that is going on here. Talk to everybody soon!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy September Birthdays!

Happy Birthday wishes to Brett and Ginny this month!
Happy Birthday :)