Friday, October 23, 2009

Update 3:00pm

Kaden is doing really well this afternoon. He is sleeping and resting, just what they want him to do. They are turning him from side to side every two hours to get that stuff to move on out of him. He hasn't run a fever today, so that is good news. That tells us that the antibiotics are working.

When he woke up a little while ago, he wanted to write something on the write board. He wrote "what was the score?" and "when do I get this tube out?" Hopefully tomorrow!

Anyway, we are doing good. Scott and Lacee are spending the day together today. He is probably showing her how to change the oil in the equipment, but that's okay :)


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us up to date Jodi. We have been thinking of you all-I'm glad everyone's spirits are staying up. I laughed so hard when I read your earlier post about Jessica thinking Kaden was signaling that he loved her when he just wanted to know the football score! What a typical guy!
