Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Okay. This is kind of fun to hear about everyone else so I'll cooperate...

Jobs that I have held: 1. Clinical Social worker

2. Group home counselor

3. library assistant

4. waitress

Places I have been on vacation:

1. Florida (always my favorite!)

2. San Diego

3. New Port Beach, Oregon

4. Baja Mexico cruise

Places I want to go: 1. Cruise to the Bajamas with the Walker Family!!

2. New York City & DC area

3. Maine

4. Actually, I'd like to go on vacation anywhere!

PLaces I have lived:

1. Delta, Utah

2. Salt Lake City

3. Ogden

4. Florida (for 2 months, does that count?)

Movies I watch over and over: 1. Lord of the Rings

2. Finding Nemo

3. Dances with Wolves

4. Almost, any comedy

5. Brokeback Mountain (just kidding, don't have a heart attack!!)

Places I like to eat at:

1. Tona Sushi Bar

2. Happy Sumo (Japanese/sushi bar)

3. Roosters Brew Pub

4. Olive Garden

Things I rather be doing now:

1. sleeping (it's 10:30pm!)

2. laying on a beach with a margarita!

3. reading other people's info on this blog

Things I look forward to:1. Vacation 2. Visiting all of you 3. sleep 4. watching my kids play sports
What are my guilty pleasures:1. $4 white chocolate iced mochas 2. shopping 3. Facebook! 4. M & M's

That's all for now... I tag Steve!
Talk to you all later!


  1. Sorry, that took up so much room. I didn't realize it would post like that!

  2. It worked, so all is good. You are funny! Talk to ya later :)
