Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy May Birthdays!

Happy Birthday this month to Luke and Scott!


  1. I bet Luke is way more excited for his birthday than Scott is for his. Scott, it is hard to hang on to 29 forever!! haha.

    I have been trying to get my thank you cards out and I seem to be so behind on everything that I thought that I would tell you all thanks on your blog.

    We thank you so much for the beautiful plant and for your thoughts and prayers. It was so fun to see everyone that came to Dad's services and we missed everyone that could not come. But, we totally understand that it is impossible to be everywhere. We really thought that Dad would go on the 14th but he had had enough. It is fun to think about the crazy, fun reunion that they all must have had. I bet that there were lots of laughs and lots of tears of joy.
    Thanks again! You are the best cousins ever. Love Ya! The Warnicks

  2. Scott has looked 40 for a long time! It hasn't bothered him as much as it did me, but it wasn't so bad after all. My kids might not think I'm a cool, hip mom, but I think I am! And I don't have gray hair yet! :)
