Monday, May 11, 2009

Baseball and Mother's Day

Gary and Scott relaxing in the shade. Where are me and Sharlene you ask? Getting lunch ready of course. Aren't we the greatest wives and mother's ever? Next time, we are sitting in the chairs and those two are cooking!

We drove up to Clay Springs on Sunday and had dinner and rode the Rhino's. We took pictures of the girl cousins! Lacee was all too happy to pose for pictures.

We finally got to go watch not one but two baseball games in nice warm weather! We drove to Beaver on Saturday and watched Kaden play ball and he is in a much better mood, even though they lost both games. Now they know what they need to work on. He played really well, got a hit every time he was up to bat, except for one walk. He pitched in the second game and did awesome. This weekend, we get to go to sunny St. George for 3 games. Yeah for warm weather :)


  1. There is something VERY VERY wrong about that top picture!!!

    Cute girls though!!

  2. I agree! It was Mother's Day, not Father's Day!!!

  3. I hope that you had a fun Mother's Day even though you were obviously the COOK. I wonder what they will do for you on Fathers Day? haha. I am glad you guys finally got a game in. Now you will sit in 100 degree weather. That's springtime in Utah - Freezing Cold or Dang Hot.
