Monday, April 2, 2012

Life Can Change in a Second

Last Thursday morning, Scott received a call that everybody dreads.  His brother, Robert, was in a explosion at Ashgrove Cement where he works.  All we knew at that time was that he was alive and it was really bad.  Luckily, somebody from up above was guarding over him because he is coming home from the hospital today and he is alive and he will recover.  He was many weeks and months of recovery but it could have been so much worse.

Robert and 2 co-workers were working in the crusher and they were crushing rock with dynamite-like clay.  Robert had been down inside the crusher 3 times that morning and on the 4th time, for some reason nobody will ever know, the coworker above didn't take the standard safety precautions and make sure Robert was out when he triggered the explosion.   The explosion threw Robert about 30 feet and he landed on some cables.  He never lost consciousness through the whole thing.  He crawled to where he knew they could get to him and waited for help.  Ashgrove has their own ambulance and EMT's on site, so luckily help was not far and they didn't have to wait for an ambulance from Delta or Nephi to arrive.  They transported him to Nephi and then later he ended up at the University of Utah Burn Center.   He has a perforated ear drum, broken right arm, and they had to re-attach his lip/chin area.  He has sharpnel-like wounds and burns all over his face, neck, arms, torso and legs.  He is so lucky to be alive.

Yes life can change in a moment and thankfully this time we aren't planning a funeral.  So, hug the ones you love and tell them you love them today!!!

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