Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas from the South

Here is wishing all our family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year and hope everyone in Utah is warm because we have to turn on the air conditioner tonight in order to light our fireplace. We truly miss everyone and hope to head west in the near future when Walker Daycare is no longer needed. God Bless Us All. Suzy and Zeke


  1. I can't believe you even need a fireplace in Florida!!! Merry Christmas to all of you! was 7 degrees this morning! But NO snow!

  2. I think my mom may have misspoke. She's so cute thinking that their days of daycare will soon be over. Let me rephrase for her...."We truly miss everyone and hope to head west in the near future with all 5 of our grandchildren." That sounds much better.
