Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Party 2009

Last night, we had our Walker Family Christmas Party at my house. Steve & Kathy, Gary & Sharlene, Mike & Bobi and their kids and Scott & I and our kids all came to eat and visit and play Rockband. We missed everybody that couldn't come and those who wouldn't show up - YOU missed out on some great food and laughs! We ate a Hamaker's Roast Beef (delicious!), pasta salad, potato salad, rolls and a delicious carrot cake in the shape of a Christmas cute.

Here are a few pics from last night:
Steve on guitar
Gary on drums
Scott, Kaden, Jessica, Sharlene and Jalen watching Rockband

Bobi on drums and Gary on guitar and Mike singing along
Steve trying to get into the rhythm
Kaden on drums
Sharlene on drums
Kaden on guitar
McKenna on guitar

Mike still singing
Lacee and Bobi singing

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