Friday, October 30, 2009

Nurse Jodi

After 1 day of training, I gave Kaden his antibiotics this morning and he is still alive! I was so worried that I wouldn't notice the air bubbles in the syringes or put them in in the wrong order. I am so impressed with myself! Even Kaden breathed a sigh of relief.

He is doing great, but a little on the bored side - but Jessica is bringing him home lots of homework to do tonight so I think he will actually be glad to have something to do for the next few weeks.

I went to Lacee's school today to watch her class do the Halloween parade. They looked so cute all dressed up. Lacee is Hannah Montana this year. I will have to post pictures later.

Anyway, guess I will go try and get caught up with everything so I will update later!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Jodi! I would be nervous trying that too!
    I'm sure Kaden is going to make huge improvements now that he's home-it's a much better environment than the hospital. And if he thought he had a lot of homework before.....!
    We're so glad to hear that things are looking better!
