The school year is off to a great start. Durham is in 3rd grade, Luke is in 1st and Hudson goes to a Mother's Day Out 3 days a week. He is loving preschool!
Luke is playing t-ball for the Sidewinders
(they are using minor league teams this year). He's playing great and still loves it. Durham's soccer season starts this weekend. So far they've only held practice-Durham is one of the fastest on his team-he's like a rocket!
Cub scouts has started up again for the year. We are very involved in scouting. Durham is a Bear cub, Luke is a Tiger cub, Hud provides the comic relief at the meetings, Kevin is the Tiger Den Leader and I am the Pack Treasurer. Whew! We keep really busy, but life is very fun at this stage!
Love the Halloween costumes! Lacee is going to be Hannah Montana....can't talk her into anything else!